To raise your net worth you’ve got to raise your self worth! by Naimah Northstar: Plug into The Wonderful You (2024)

If you want to be successful face your fear because a king is not born he is made. Mike TysonBe willing to be a king or queen!!! You were created that way ! Jul 09, 202403:59:04Only one thing registers on the subconscious mind repetitive application practice. What you practice is what you manifest . Fay WeldonJul 01, 202403:44:20“Something’s have to end for better things to begin.” Unknown You must let the past go to move forward and create a vision for your future! Jun 25, 202403:09:22“You are the reality and totality of God.” Rev IkeYou are one with everything! Jun 18, 202403:39:30Happiness is an inside job. Don’t assign anyone else that much power over your life. Unknown Never ask anyone for something you won’t give yourself!Jun 11, 202403:06:01To raise your net worth you’ve got to raise your self worth!The work is on your self concept self image.. Jun 04, 202403:13:13“Focus on how you want to feel and The Universe will fill in the details.” Abraham Hicks Follow your heart May 28, 202404:26:33Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by obstacles you overcome. Booker T Washington You have success built in you .. go for your dreams! Naimah May 21, 202402:59:29Everything is energy, your thoughts begins it, your emotions amplify it and your actions creates it.Unknown May 14, 202403:20:40“What you think you become, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you create!” BuddhaBe mindful of all the above so you can create what you desire 🙏🏾May 07, 202402:18:12“Anything that you don’t feel you’re worthy of. You can’t have.” Rev IkeAnd that’s the truthApr 30, 202403:02:44“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney Dream your dream believe in you 🌈Apr 23, 202402:50:26Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and You cannot help but to get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy this is physics. Albert Einstein Apr 16, 202403:13:19We are limited, not by our abilities but by our vision.” Khalil Gibran Create a vision for yourself and believe it’s possible! Apr 09, 202401:46:06Your imagination influences everything you do, everything you think about and create. You are the Architect of your life. Naimah Northstar Apr 02, 202402:24:13The world of reality has its limits the world of imagination is boundless. Brainy Quotes Use your imagination to create from within. Mar 25, 202402:26:57We are only limited by weakness of attention and poverty of imagination. Neville Goddard Use one of your most powerful superpowers your imagination Mar 19, 202403:06:13“Everything you can imagine is real! “ Pablo Picasso You are a creative force, feel the truth of that!!!Mar 12, 202404:09:57It’s amazing how phenomenal we are and many of you don’t realize your super powers. Naimah Each one of us have gifts and talents , you can influence and change the world by sharing them! Mar 05, 202402:10:19“Life has 2 rules #1 Never Quit number #2 remember rule #1 . Duke Ellington Keep focused and keep moving forward! Feb 27, 202403:02:38“Never be limited by other people’s limited imaginations. “ Dr Mae JamisonDream your dreams and never let they go! Feb 20, 202403:25:50To succeed, one must be creative and persistent.” Mr John H. Johnson I worked for this great man.. loved every minute. Feb 06, 202403:25:46“Money is a tool, not the goal. Freedom is the goal. Don’t forget that.” Mindset Therapy You are a money magnet !Jan 30, 202404:29:31“Remember you can only love others to the extent that you love yourself.” NaimahLove starts in the heart ❤️ Jan 23, 202402:36:28We have come a long long way but we have a long long way to go. Rev Dr MLKWe can all use our lives to assist humanity to move forward in love 💕Jan 16, 202402:46:51“Life is not happening to you, it is responding to you!”Create the highest vision of yourself and Be that person 24/7 !Jan 09, 202403:32:35Be mindful of yourself-talk it’s a conversation with the Universe. Unknown Positive self talk is a form of self love Dec 28, 202302:02:54“Trust your instincts they are messages from your soul.” Unknown They are your Northstar Dec 19, 202302:59:16Your dream is an answer to someone else’s prayer. By NaimahSo get out of your own way your dream is bigger than you 🙏🏾Dec 11, 202302:03:60Trust your instincts they are messages from your soul. Unknown Your instincts is your North Star ⭐️ follow it Dec 05, 202303:31:46Love yourself enough to never lower your standards for anyone. Unknown AuthorBe your best friend your supportive cheerleader 📣 Nov 27, 202302:38:37Just when the caterpillar thought her life was over she began to fly. Unknown When you get down and think it’s over remember this story and get ready to Fly !!!Nov 21, 202302:38:37Never regret a day in your life, good days give happiness, bad days give you experience, the worst Days give you lessons, the best days give memories. By Wealth zoomNov 14, 202301:58:31Surround yourself with people who talk about their vision, ideas and dream, not those who talk aboutOther people. Unknown Author Nov 07, 202302:09:32Nobody is coming to save you. Get up be your own hero/Shero. unknown Take at least one action towards your goals daily . Oct 31, 202302:23:08Nothing can destroy iron, only it’s own rust can. Likewise, nothing can destroy you only your ownMindset! Unknown Oct 24, 202302:46:54Your words start to lose value, when your actions don’t match. Unknown Stand in your integrity , make your words count.. Oct 10, 202302:21:59“Strong minds discuss ideas, average, minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.” Socrates Speak of greatness see the best in others and in you! Oct 03, 202303:55:46Dying patients most regret, “I only did what everyone else wanted, not what I wanted. The most valuable gift you have is time.. invest in yourself and dreams. Live your life without other’s approval. Sep 25, 202303:24:00Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace. Dalai Lama Have unshakable faith in your ability to set in high vibrations! Sep 19, 202303:07:01“The hardest prison to escape is in our own mind.” Unknown Set yourself free ‼️Sep 12, 202302:30:14The pessimistic complains about the world. The optimistic expects it to change. The leader adjust The Sails. John MaxwellAug 22, 202302:43:09“I am worthy of everything I desire.” Marisa PeerBuild this belief with your inner dialogue! Aug 15, 202302:28:07“You are the artist of life, don’t give the paintbrush to anyone else.!” Unknown Decided what you want in life use the your brushes to paint your hearts desires. All thing are possible. Aug 08, 202302:39:02“Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path.” Unknown After the storm and your path is cleared keeping moving forward with confidence! Naimah Aug 01, 202303:15:11“Operate out of your imagination not your memory. Les BrownYour imagination will and can take you anywhere 🙏🏾Jul 24, 202302:19:08“Energy is the currency of the Universe, spend your wisely.” Unknown Share loving energy with yourself and others.. the healthier way to spend it.. Jul 18, 202303:22:50“Strong people don’t put others down, they left them up.” Unknown So be a lifter , Jul 11, 202303:34:38“No man can become rich himself unless he enrich others.” Andrew Carnegie Your passion is to sever humanity in many ways.. Jul 03, 202302:40:20
To raise your net worth you’ve got to raise your self worth! by Naimah Northstar: Plug into The Wonderful You (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.